Database Internals

By Alex Petrov

This is a fantastic book that explains how databases work internally. The book is divided in two parts.

The first part is about Storage Engines and it covers the different techniques that are used to store and retrieve data in a database. You will understand concepts that are important as a backend engineer. This section of the book also covers the essentials of how data is store in a disk, it is a fascinating journey to understand more advanced topics.

The second part of the book is about Distributed Systems. This part is focused on how distributed data system works and it will cover things like failure detection, replication and consistency, distributed transactions and consensus.

About Alex Petrov

Alex Petrov is a Software Engineer at Apple. He has been working with distributed systems for more than 15 years. He is a Apache Cassandra committer and PMC member.

A book suggested for

This is a book for everyone that work with Databases or Data Distributed Systems.
For everyone who is interested to know how databases work internally. Even if you are not a database engineer, this book will help you to understand how you can get the most from databases.